Expected School-Wide Learning Results
The ACDS Expected School-Wide Learning Results represent the cumulative skills and attributes we believe critical for children to develop during their time at our school.
With our focus on educating the whole child and encouraging well-roundedness, we develop curricula to ensure that when our students graduate from Almaden Country Day School, they embody our seven Expected School-Wide Learning Results (ESLRs) as:
- Critical and creative thinkers, who know, comprehend, apply, analyze, synthesize and evaluate.
- Literate individuals, who demonstrate developmental competency in reading, writing, mathematics, sciences and other disciplines.
- Effective communicators, who listen, explain, make presentations and respond with clarity, in all curriculum disciplines.
- Healthy individuals, who understand and demonstrate the elements of physical fitness and a healthy lifestyle.
- Community contributors, who value and practice respect, responsibility, integrity, patriotism, and appreciation for diversity, while serving the school and the larger community.
- Productive individuals, who discover, develop, appreciate and apply their unique gifts with a strong work ethic.
- Self-respecting individuals, who understand their personal value and demonstrate confidence in their abilities.