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The Orchard: Extended Day Fees

The Orchard

The Extended Day program for ACDS students on regular school days.


Complimentary Before-School Program

The complimentary before-school program is available for children in Kindergarten through 8th grade and is provided each day that classes meet from 7:15 a.m. until 7:45 a.m. The before-school program is supervised by an ACDS staff member, and is included in the cost of tuition. Registration is not required for the before-school program.

Before-School Program Description

The Orchard

Our Extended Day Program is provided each day that classes meet for children in Pre-Kindergarten through 8th grade from dismissal to 5:30 p.m. for a fee.
Priority. Students needing after-school care five days a week are given priority for The Orchard enrollment. Drop in is offered on a space available basis. Please call the front office for availability at (408) 997-0424.

The Orchard Program Description

Adding Days. An additional fee will be charged when your child attends The Orchard for more days than is paid for in the annual fee. Please refer to our drop-in rates below. We will do our best to accommodate last-minute requests.

Payment. The fee for drop-in students will be added to your student's tuition balance.

Late Pick-Up Fees. The Orchard program ends at 5:30 p.m. Late fees begin accruing at the end of your child’s extended day session at 5:31 p.m. Any child who is picked up after 5:31 p.m. will be charged a late fee based on the following schedule:

  • 0-15 minutes late: $25
  • 16-30 minutes late: An additional $50 will apply
  • 31-45 minutes late: An additional $75 will apply

(For example, if you are 25 minutes late, you will be charged $25 for the first 15 minutes, plus an additional $50 for the next 10 minutes, totaling $75.) Late pick-up fees will be added to the billing ledger for your student. 

Drop-In Rates. $50 per session or $20 per hour. Drop-in fees are not pro-rated. For example, the fee is $20 for 1 hour or any part of an hour (e.g. the fee would equal $40 for 1 hour and 10 minutes). 

Availability. Drop-In is only available if we have space in the program.